Saturday, September 5, 2015

Old Pictures

I have been looking at some old photographs which I scanned earlier this summer. Here are two featuring my dad as an infant with my grandparents.

 This photo of Grandma and Dad feels to me like such a genuine glimpse into a moment in this young family's life. Grandma was small as a child, and appeared younger than she was even as a woman. She recounted how she used to answer the door of her own home as a married woman, only to be asked by a stranger to go and get her mother.

Grandpa is wearing his World War II uniform in this picture. He was a "flight instructor by instrument" in the Air Corps. In their last year or two, Grandma and Grandpa loved to tell us stories about Dad as a baby and their life on military bases.


  1. There's something about family history that roots us, isn't there? And there's something fortifying, I think, to look back and see the struggles faced, and overcome, by past generations. Thank you for sharing these photographs and reminiscences. It has me thinking about my own family history -- and the differences between generations past and our own.

    1. Yes, there is! Glad this evoked thoughts about your own history. That's one of the joys of blogging, I think--sharing inspiration.
