Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Our lives are like
a new puzzle knocked
from the table's end,
spilled from the box
and scattered
by an exuberant toddler.

Some of us have more pieces
still clumped together:
 loving parents, money for school
(or supper, at least),
the thought that God may
not always frown--
but we must, all of us,
still wonder, at times.
What parts of us went missing
that day the world broke?


  1. Yes, it's the human condition, isn't it? Nicely done.

  2. The Master has all of the pieces - all that He needs anyway!

  3. David C Brown - thankfully so! And it can be an adventure seeing how He begins to add them back in. Nevertheless (lovely, long word), the final repairing happens where we can't see, yet. I look back on dear Christians' lives, and there is often some aspect of them that never quite bloomed during their time here on earth.
