Saturday, September 13, 2014


The word is "marvelous"
though I hesitate to claim
so extravagant a modifier.
Is there any better word
for the father's party when
his prodigal came home?

We talked of  "every spiritual
blessing in the heavenly places."
"Imagine," the speaker said,
"a dragon load of treasure."
But I will see
goldenrod and purple
asters, Queen Anne's lace gone
to bird nest cups, blood red
leaves, and silver sunrise climbing
to a radiance.

"Heavenly places" sounds
intangible as the blue so
far above arm's length--
yet I have been surprised
by joy as stout and bold
as goldenrod blossoms,
love durable and free
as split milkweed shells.
There are things more real,
even, than fear. I find this


  1. This is just lovely, Elena! Happy birthday!

  2. Elena, I love the voice. I love the fact that you "will" to see the marvels in the beauty around you. "more real, even, than fear." I need this. In need the "will" and the faith to believe this. The pictures are wonderful.

    1. Thanks, Newell ~ may God bless you as you journey. I know seeing the beauty can be far from easy sometimes.

    2. Elena, It is not seeing the beauty that is hard, but believing in its power over pain and fear. Your claim seemed astounding to me, mainly because I knew it was genuinely felt.
