Monday, February 9, 2015


In striving city sounds I miss
the stillness so much it hurts.
I want space for the knocking
of branch on branch,
the squeak of a hinge,
the sword whistle of wind.


  1. You have made those small sounds vivid: not a mere whistle of wind but a sword-whistle! And yes to the knocking of branch on branch. I like further how you say that these small sounds need "space", as well they do!

    Thank you, as always, for your beautiful alertness to the things that most of us risk missing.

  2. I think you are righ t in naming striving as that which fills the space we need to live more fully. It does hurt to realize how many simple things we miss

    1. Yes, I suspect there must be a way of learning how to take back that space, if only within ourselves.
