Tuesday, February 11, 2014


The petals fold
(you do not know it yet,
but they are pink)
around a secret sorrow.
They are cloaked,
all of them,
in green, tough, tender,
creased green,
the cowl a blossom wears
before it is born.
Where do the crimped,
lace-veined membranes
find courage to taste
wind, rain, sun,
to spill to the last
their touchless

 * * *

You learn, in life
to live with the ringing
in your ears--the thing inside
that makes perfect silence
impossible. Think on it too much, and
you'll go mad.
Put on a bit of music,
maybe the TV, and you won't
notice, the tremolo against
your brain, the soprano static
of your humanity.
You want the silence . . . no,
you want the space
the silence makes,
as if then you might rediscover
your soul.

 * * *

Kneeling in sunshine,
forehead to carpet,
at prayer you picture
your back folded out
like wings with rib-cage veins,
like storybook flaps.
Your heart, unobstructed, blinks
under the gaze of heaven.


  1. Wow! I absolutely adore the first stanza -- so painterly, so precise! Am suspecting that poets such as Marianne Moore and Denise Levertov would heartily approve! (can see kinship with both) ... As a technical matter, it seems fitting that the spondee "creased green" has a line to itself, emphasizing subtly the vowel-sound common to both words.

    And i love "the soprano static of your humanity"! -- and the distinction between silence and "the space that silence makes."

    And of course, the heart that "blinks under the gaze of heaven."

  2. Wow, thanks, Thomas! Levertov is one of my favorites.

  3. I can't comment on the poetry as Thomas can, but I know it is good. My credentials are that I am holding a letter Denise Levertov wrote me when she was working on the text for our oratorio - El Salvador: Requiem and Invocation. http://www.estheremery.com/?s=El+Salvador

    1. Oh, newell, the link was fascinating! Thank you for sharing it. Am I understanding correctly that you composed the music for the oratorio and she composed the text?

    2. Yes. It was written in 1983. A good friend of mine was working for her as her secretary and introduced us. It was performed in May of 1993.

    3. What a wonderful experience that must have been. Is there a recording of the oratorio somewhere?
