Thursday, July 23, 2015

Late July

Summer sags with wealth--
the scratchy sweetness of corn in tassel,
the whir and rasp of a thousand
many-leggèd, wingèd things.
A river of infinitesimal droplets
turns air to elixir, to sleeping potion.
All our movements slowing, we
are swimmers in the air.


  1. Oh, how elegant the language here, perfectly slowing us into that summer heat and inertia. Could you maybe put an accent over the "ed" in "winged" and make sure we draw it out into two slow syllables? This poem perfectly captures exactly how it's felt around here the last few days -- and how MS feels *every* day!

    1. Thank you so much, Beth! Yes, there should be an accent mark over the "ed" in both "legged" and "winged," but I couldn't see a way to do it with blogger. Do you know how?

    2. Elena -- press the alt key & then while holding the key down, go to the number-pad on the side of your keyboard and press 0232, then release the alt key!

      And of course, I echo Beth's praise of the poem -- its lively languor, as we might call it -- marvelous!

    3. I'm glad you knew how to do it, because I sure didn't! (I just give theoretical advice, not practical help!)

    4. Thomas! It works! That is so cool. Thanks for your help and your kind words about this poem!

  2. And thanks, Beth, for the encouragement to include the accent mark--now I learned something new!

    1. Isn't that fun? I'll have to remember it, too!
