Sunday, May 10, 2015

[Untitled 3]

Rain falls in the wee hours . . .
a drumming in the gutters,
a splattering on the ground,
a song on the shingles,
a hiss in the wake
of the few passing cars.

I've been at odds--
ears muffled, mind hid
within my faux refuge
of artificial noise.
Give sanctuary, Lord.
Release me to whisper-rhythms,
to long, slow soakings
of mercies renewed.


  1. Awesome, as we who grew up in the eighties like to say! Beautifully articulated. A kind of vers-libre sonnet at 14 lines, no?

    I especially prize the palpable "release" of those last three lines; the opening sestet, too, admirably precise and sonically alert. Brava!

    1. Thank you! To be honest, I didn't realize it was 14 lines until you pointed that out--ha!
