Monday, January 13, 2014


Yes is a very scary word . . .
coming, as it does, whispering
into a world wrapped round
with a thousand screaming 
You have to strain
to hear it, sometimes,
and the noes get louder,
too: no, no, no.
You can't just cover up your ears
and hope to hear


  1. Yes, Yes YES. I want to say it loud enough that you hear it. Right now you are my favorite poet. I come herer to rest and think and enjoy your poetry. I know there are others who would say yes to you loudly enough that you could hear it. I don't know where the noes come from. A friend who does energy therapy tole me "put folks in a ball of light, dissolve them in the light and explode the light. It disconnects them from your energy field. It does not harm them. Don't know if that's helpful. Put those noes in something and explode them!

  2. Oh, thank you--what a wonderful encouragement it is to me to know that you are blessed by my writing! Your advice to explode those noes made me feel more cheerful at once!
